Phase I of Getting the Bluebird Passenger Train "Back-on-Track"-
This is the first of 4 phases to get the Bluebird Passenger Train running on the full 10 miles of railroad. While it will take several years to get everything done, we will continue to press forward to accomplish our goals. Your contributions and help can expedite the process, whether with donations of money, tools or supplies, or by joining us as a volunteer and coming out to help. If we all pitch in, we can make great things happen!
Museum Property-A recent acquisition of the former Waterfront Electric Railway Museum in Grand Rapids, OH. This property will be the museum's first true home base in our 55-year history! There are three buildings located on the property, a shop, a car barn, and a small brick building used as a gift shop and museum. General upkeep is essential, track reconstruction projects on property are being made, and facilities are receiving upgrades for volunteer and visitor convenience.
Passenger Coaches-Passenger coaches 404, 407 and 408 are receiving various interior and exterior upgrades from volunteers to be able to run the Bluebird once again! They have always been our primary pieces of rolling stock on the Bluebird and will be when our operations resume. The restoration of at least one of these cars is part of Phase I.
Maumee River Bridge-Built in 1916, we are currently asking for funds to make repairs to operate passenger trains over our 901 ft-long bridge over the scenic Maumee River. The bridge’s structure and support have been inspected and found to be in great condition, but new wooden crossties are needed to return the bridge back into active service. While the bridge is part of Phase II, we can always get a head-start on the work if funding or materials are available!